Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Evaluation - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt a lot about technology in the process of creating this short extract, mainly to do with the operation of the camera and its various functions, including the use of different tripods, angles, zoom and gain, but also to do with the transfer of captured footage to the computer, and the editing and rendering of that footage. I had a fairly comprehensive knowledge of the use of the video camera before I started, as we were using my personal video camera to film with, but I had never used a tripod, and during the filming I used a couple of standard tripods, and a GorillaPod, a type of tripod that wraps around the branch of a tree or other objects to get interesting angles, as used in the scenes around the fire. I had edited movies previously so I had an idea of what to do but my knowledge and experience were expanded vastly throughout the process, especially the use of soundtracking and slow-motion shots. I also now know how to render the movie to the appropriate file type and upload it to a video-hosting site such as YouTube.

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