Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Evaluation - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I have learnt a lot in the process of planning, shooting and creating this media project compared to my initial knowledge when we shot the preliminary task. The preliminary had continuity errors, slow static shots and infrequent cutting, all of which changed for the better in the final project. I found through my involvement in this project and in working as part of a group I learnt a lot of useful things, and my knowledge of media and production has improved greatly. The main thing I feel I have learnt is how to keep the film moving at a good pace, how to balance fast-paced action scenes with slow relaxation scenes and com contrasting these can be used to a good effect. In the preliminary task everything moves at the same slow pace and this makes a movie quite boring and dull. We tried to stay away from that in the final project. I have learnt how to maximise everybody in the group's potential, and to take the backseat when someone else can offer more than I can. I
have also got into the habit of using interesting and unusual angles, and different close-ups and zooms to spice up the film.

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