Thursday, 16 September 2010

Filming and Camera Techniques

I have extensively researched some interesting and useful camera techniques we can use in our project. When We have planned and researched what we are going to do, I will select which techniques and angles we will want to use in our film.

In film, an insert is a shot of part of a scene as filmed from a different angle and/or focal length from the master shot. Inserts cover action already covered in the master shot, but emphasize a different aspect of that action due to the different framing. An insert differs from a cutaway, as cutaways cover action not covered in the master shot.
There are more exact terms to use when the new, inserted shot is another view of actors: close-up, head shot, knee shot, two shot etc. So the term "insert" is often confined to views of objects—and body parts, other than the head. Thus: CLOSE-UP of the gunfighter, INSERT of his hand quivering above the holster, TWO SHOT of his friends watching anxiously, INSERT of the clock ticking.

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