Scene 1
Establishing shot of scene
Background talking, 90’s music playing
Teen 1 starts playing with Ouija board
Suddenly, the teen goes rigid, eyes wild. His eyes start rolling and he starts thrashing about, screaming inhumanly. The other people around the fire back away, scared. One takes out a phone.
Teen 2: (On phone) ‘Sam! Quick, we need you!’
Sam: (On phone) ‘I’m there’
Sam starts running to the commotion, via the town centre. He takes short cuts through alleys, vaulting over walls.
Sam arrives at the scene.
Sam: ‘Back off! Stay away from him/her!’
Sam approaches the still screaming teen and places his hands on him.
He starts reciting an exorcism in Latin more and more frantically as the teen thrashes around more and more.
Scene 2
Sam wakes up suddenly, screaming.
Recovering, he gets up, dresses and makes his way downstairs
He is halfway through his breakfast when his phone rings, with the same 90’s music.
Man: (On phone, deep voice) ‘It’s Back’
The phone is dropped, falling slowly and hits the ground with an echoing bang.
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