Tuesday, 30 November 2010


The large amounts of snow and ice around at this time of year could be used to build up an atmosphere in our movie and it could also make the filming look more interesting, artistic and visually interesting. It will also tie scenes together as many places look similar when snowy. This means that we can use different locations for different aspects of the filming and make it seem like it is set in only one place. The consistency of weather conditions will make the film flow better, and stop different scenes looking out of place.

Here are the scenes we had to scrap because of the snow, as explained below.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Campfire Location

House Interior Location

Street Filming Locations

Video Shooting Schedule and Flowchart



Scene 1
Establishing shot of scene
Background talking, 90’s music playing
Teen 1 starts playing with Ouija board
Suddenly, the teen goes rigid, eyes wild. His eyes start rolling and he starts thrashing about, screaming inhumanly. The other people around the fire back away, scared. One takes out a phone.
Teen 2: (On phone) ‘Sam! Quick, we need you!’
Sam: (On phone) ‘I’m there’
Sam starts running to the commotion, via the town centre. He takes short cuts through alleys, vaulting over walls.
Sam arrives at the scene.
Sam: ‘Back off! Stay away from him/her!’
Sam approaches the still screaming teen and places his hands on him.
He starts reciting an exorcism in Latin more and more frantically as the teen thrashes around more and more.

Scene 2
Sam wakes up suddenly, screaming.
Recovering, he gets up, dresses and makes his way downstairs
He is halfway through his breakfast when his phone rings, with the same 90’s music.
Man: (On phone, deep voice) ‘It’s Back’
The phone is dropped, falling slowly and hits the ground with an echoing bang.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Production Planning Conversation 2

A week on from our first discussion we met again to workshop the charectars, plot, and other aspects of the film. We had more ideas, suggestions and feedback, all of which are helpful in the production of our project.

Audience Research Interview

We took a panel of three members of the public to find out what they would like to see in our film, to workshop our ideas and get feedback on what we have so far.

We talked to Oliver Webb, Jack Diprose and James 'Jim' Cowie about the plans for our main task and got responses, opinions and feedback to help us with it.

Production Planning Conversation 1

A little preliminary discussion with the people involved in our upcoming production (working title - The Possesion), Sam, Luke, and me.
We used this to workshop charecters, discuss new ideas and see what he thought of the plot so far.

Hopefully this will help us with the production of our main task.