Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Filming Progress

We are now 2/3 of the way through our filming and editing. We have filmed all of the street and inside house scenes, and some graveyard shots to intercut with the possesion scene. We have edited down all the video for these scenes to make it look snappy, professional and creepy. We have also edited the audio so it flows well, and avoids it sounding like the audio is coming from different directions. We have added some royalty free music to enhance the scenes, 'The House of Leaves' and 'Tropic of Capri'. The former is an eerie string based soundrack song, used so far as a motif when Sam answers his phone, and the latter is a fast paced dance track used when Sam is running through the streets to make the video more fast-paced and action-packed.
   All we need to do now is film the opening scenes and the possesion scene and edit it down. The only problem is that it is set outside and thus we need to wait for an ideal time as the weather can be rather changeable at this time of year.